And now I'm guilty. As charged. Lock me up. Throw away the key. Force me to blog.
Of course, like most guilty parties, I will scream out
"Please! Let me explain!"
Sorry sister. No excuses for you!
But, but, but ...
- School started in August! It was crazy demanding. They added a ton of new programs and requirements. I thought I would die. I thought I would lose my mind.
- My sister has been having trouble with kidney stones. Ya gotta step up and help, right?
- My mom is ... well, this is the harder one. She's aging. There are more physical issues, of course. No big. Totally prepared to deal with that. She finally quit hating us for not letting her drive. Praise God, 'cause that one was tough. However, I am not ready to deal with the mental aspect of aging. I don't want to. I hate it. She gets so confused sometimes, and she forgets so many things. She gets angry at us for not telling her things. But we did. Usually several times. It's especially hard on the resident teenager. She responds by getting angry. I can understand that. It's a grief response. Her grandmother is changing, and that sucks. Luckily, and believe me when I say I am hanging on to this one, she is not suffering from the BIG A or full on dementia. This may stink, but it could be so much worse. I'm starting to accept that I am changing roles with my mom. I am becoming her caretaker now ... making sure that she is safe and making sure that the important things are monitored and remembered. Not fun, but it is part of the circle of life, and I can't change that.
- The whole political thing has made life stressful. Our state is facing a recall vote on some education reforms that were rushed through the legislature in 2011. I've been writing about that in other venues, and I've been speaking out about the foolishness of these laws. I have to tell you, I have seen some true ugliness from people I thought knew better. Teachers have been demonized and villified. Very demoralizing.
- The resident 14 year-old ballerina is dancing non-stop. She is now working as a teaching assisstant at her studio - her first real job. She's having a ball, but it sure has complicated our lives when it comes to arranging transportation (she now has to be at the studio before I get home from work) and getting homework done. There have definitely been a few rough patches, and some poor math grades because she was rushing through assignments, but I think we're getting this under control. I've discovered that I have to swallow my pride and reach out for help when I need it. Bless those angels who have come through for me!
- My three jobs have returned to two for a little while. My copywriting job for the campground association is a victim of the seasonal nature of the association. I am actually okay with that. I can use the extra time ... and we've been having problems with our computer lately. It's all good.
- My favorite principal of all time has just been reassigned to the huge new high school that will open next year. I am thrilled for her. She's going to do an amazing job. I am selfishly devastated. I'm going to miss working with her, and I hate to think about what our school will be like without her.
- I've been in charge of our school-wide reading incentive program. Like a fool, I started it off with a huge kickoff assembly that nearly killed me. Whew! The good part is that the program is perking right along. The bad part, it's time to give the kids another "shot in the arm" to keep them going. Time to pull another rabbit from my hat.
- Yards and gardens have to be dealt with. With Sister Kidney Stone, Grandma, and Ballerina Bailee, that has left the kiddo in the mirror to deal. Ick. I'd like to say that I'm done, but that would be a baldfaced lie. I still have some things to do, but I'm forced to working in between snowstorms now. I'm focused on Monday and Tuesday - with temps around 60 degrees predicted. I will get this thing done!
- I have turned into the Scrooge of Halloween. When my sis asked about what we were going to do about the trick-or-treaters (meaning of course, "What delightful treat will we be passing out this year?"); I replied, "Let's just turn off the porch light." See? Really Scroogey! (Honestly, is that a word? If not, it should be.)
So, can I get some form of forgiveness? Something? Anything? I promise that I'll attempt to do better. Don't give up on me. It could be worse. I have another blogging friend who hasn't updated since March. See, I really am not so bad ... by comparison. Of course, I refuse to acknowledge my other blogging buddies who update every day. Such overachievers! Sheesh.