So, here comes the New Year and the resolutions everyone seems to assume that you will make (and eventually break, given human nature). People inquire, as a matter of general conversation, "What are YOUR resolutions this year?"
Stunned silence. Lifted eyebrows. A disbelieving, "Nothing?"
Yuppers. Nothing. No resolutions here. No lofty goals. No magnificent aspirations. Zip. Nada. Zero.
Oh, the horror! No goals? Inconceivable! (Don't you just LOVE The Princess Bride? I do.)
Am I committing to accomplishing nothing? To making no growth? To making no changes? Apparently this is what many believe. I may as well announce myself as a sluggard and bum in the eyes of some of my friends. I seriously think one in particular thinks I am just short of joining the forces of Satan. Doesn't matter. No resolutions for me! No goals. No aspirations.
I should probably insert dramatic and ominous music here, as that's the response my admission is getting from my very goal oriented friends and acquaintances. Sorry, my resolve (ironic ... isn't it) is firm. I resolve not to resolve.
For once I don't want to begin a new year with a check list in hand - a check list that will define me and control me, and eventually condemn me. Don't wanna do it, so I am not. I'm just going to move into 2013 a rudderless craft sure to end up broken on the threatening shores (according to my buds). That's okay. I don't need that list. I know where I'm going and I know what I want. This year I'm going to move ahead without that checklist. I'm going to concentrate more on living my life than fulfilling a list of goals. I came to the conclusion that checking things (and people) off on a list of goals and projects is NOT how I want to live my life. I want to move forward this year choosing to do what is right because it is right. I want to be consumed heart and soul by the choices I make regarding what I do and what I devote my time to. Life isn't a checklist, and I don't want to be defined by one.
Happy New Year!