I am your child's teacher. We've never met. I have received notes and e-mails from you on occasion, so I know you exist. I just have a few things I wanted to mention to you.
- There is a difference between giving a child life and giving a child A LIFE. I wish you understood that. A child needs to be cared for, talked to (not at), and valued. Once you bring a child into the world, your agenda should move down in your list of priorities.
- Things don't take the place of love or time.
- Your child is a child, not a mini adult. They need your involvement in their life. Children make lousy parents. I wish yours was not trying to raise themself on a diet of video games, junk food, and television. Parenting is a hands-on, dirty job. Suck it up and DO IT!
- Take an interest in your child's education. You are part of a team. Please play your part. Its inconvenient and messy, yes, but vital. Look on it as a sound investment if that helps. You can help junior be successful now, or you can support the little darling for the rest of their life.
- Be an advocate for your child, but please don't step in and try to prevent them from experiencing the natural consequences for their behavior. If you think your child "would never do that," you are probably wrong.
- Sending nasty notes or e-mails to the teacher will never make a situation better. Screaming at them on the phone is also not helpful.
- Your child will not die if they are asked to do hard things. They will find that they have the capacity to do hard things. Once they know that, the world is theirs.
- Don't raise your child to believe they are "entitled" to anything. Anything worth having is worth working for.
- Self esteem doesn't come from praise or gold stars, it comes from facing challenges and overcoming them. It also comes from failing, and having the courage to get up and try again.
- Pay attention. "Life moves pretty fast," as Ferris Bueller said," and if you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it."
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